Wednesday, December 8, 2021
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
What can the classical and renaissance philosophers teach you about data governance? Plenty! Join us on a fast-paced tour of the great thinkers as they guide you on your path to data enlightenment and deeper enterprise value! With a few bonus thoughts from some current pop stars, w
Scott Taylor, known as The Data Whisperer, has helped countless companies by enlightening business executives about the strategic value of proper data management. As an avid business evangelist, he focuses on business alignment and the “strategic WHY” rather than system implementation and the “technical HOW.” He shares his passion through all forms of thought leadership content, including public speaking, blogs, videos, podcasts, whitepapers, cartoons, and even puppet shows.
Accolades and recognition include: DataIQ 100, CDO Magazine Leading Data Consultant, Onalytica Who’s Who in Data Management, Dataversity Top 10 Blogger, and Thinkers360 Top 10 Thought Leader. His book "TELLING YOUR DATA STORY: Data Storytelling for Data Management" is available now. He lives in Bridgeport, CT, where he often kayaks in Black Rock Harbor. He can also juggle pins and blow a square bubble.